Saturday, May 3, 2014

La Paz Waterfall Gardens

We journeyed quite a bit up the mountains (over 9,000 feet to be exact) to this beautiful place called 'La Paz Waterfall Gardens'.  It will definitely be on the 'Must See' places to go if anyone decides to finally come visit us.  Hint! Hint!

Here's a few of the pics from our day there...

The sinks in the bathrooms... absolutely beautiful! 

(Ok, now this is just beautiful!  This is a monach butterfly in its cocoon.  You can see its wings but did you notice the band of gold beads along the outside?  Isn't Jehovah's creation amazing?!  He even adds beauty in the smallest of details throughout creation.)  

There were "hundreds" of hummingbirds in this part of the park.  They ranged in size from about 2 inches up to 6 inches or so.  The large ones were feeding on some type of steroids, I think.  LOL!

This was a cool snake that looked like a stick with a head.  He was really cool to watch.

We loved how 'up close and personal' we were able to get to the animals, 
including this mommy and her babies.

It took me forever to get this shot, but my patience paid off.  Isn't she beautiful?!

Ron's 'softer' side coming out.

There's several poisonous frogs here in Costa Rica.  They're pretty but very dangerous.

And there's some pretty 'creepy' looking things too.  This guy was about 6 -7 inches long.
He was next to our path while walking to the waterfalls.

And here's a few pics of the beautiful waterfalls...

Just some of the hundreds of stairs we climbed along the way.

Missing everyone and can't wait to share some of these adventures with some of you when you come to visit.

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